Parts & Accessories
We offer a huge inventory of hard to find parts and accessories for most major brands of wood, gas and coal stoves, inserts and fireplaces. We can also locate parts for many older and discontinued Brands – We have contacts throughout the industry from our 70+ years in the stove business. If it is available anywhere we should be able to find it for you.

To Request a Part or Accessory Quote:
Option 1: Use the form below
Option 2: Call us (315)589-4011
In order to serve you quickly we MUST HAVE the following information included with your request:
Parts & Accessories Request Form
If the Brand Name of your stove is on this list we often are able to get parts
Appalachian | Haas Sohn | Regency |
Archgard | Hampton | Reginald |
Ashley | Harman | Rika |
Atlanta | Hawke | Riteway |
Austroflamm | Heart and Cooley | RSF |
Avalon | Hearthstone | RSF Energy |
Black Bart | Heartland | Russo |
Blaze King | Heartland | Saey |
Blue Ridge | Heat-Fab | Scandia |
Bodeart & Bonay | Heatmaster | Sears |
Brunco | High Valley | Selkirk |
Bullard | Hitzer | Shenandoah |
Carolina | Hot Blast | Shenandoah |
CDW | Jensen | Sierra |
Coalbrookdale | Jensen Furnace | Silent Flame |
Comforter | Johnson Furnace | Simpson Dura Vent |
Consolidated Duchwest | Jotul | Squire |
Country Comfort | Keystone | Suburban |
Country Flame | King | Supreme |
Craft | Kozy Heat | Sweet Home |
Dimplex | Lange | Tarm |
Dove | Lexington Forge | Timberline |
Dover | Lilly | Town & Country |
Drolet | Lopi | Treemont |
Dutchwest | Majestic | Tremont |
Earth Stove | Malleable Iron Range | Upland |
Efel | Martin | US Stove |
Elm | Mealmaster | Valor |
Elmira | Mendota | Ventinox |
Empire | Metalbestous | Vermont Castings |
Energy King | Monarch | Vogelzang |
England | Montigo | Warm Morning |
Fireplace Xtrordinair | Morso | Waterford |
Fisher | Napoleon | Whitfield |
Franco Belge | Nashua | Wittus |
Gibraltar | Omega | Wonderwood |
Glacier Bay | Pacific Energy | Woodchuck |
Godin | Quadrafire | Woodchuck |
Grizzly | Rais | Yukon |
Below is a partial listing of our "Hard To Find" accessories
Access Doors | Lid Lifters | Trivets |
ACS | Liners | Valves |
Air Fresheners | Log Carriers | Wall Spacing Kits |
Alarms | Log Holders | Wicks |
Andirons | Log Lighters | |
Ash Buckets | Log Racks | |
Ash Dump | Mantels | |
B-Vent Pipe | Match Holders | |
Barrel Stove Kits | Mica | |
Bellows | Paint – Stove | |
Black Pipe | Pellet Brushes | |
Blowers | Pipe | |
Brushes | Pipe Heat Shields | |
Catalytic Converters | Pokers | |
Chimney Brushes | Reducers | |
Chimney Caps | Registers | |
Chimney Pipes | Remote Controls | |
Clean Out Doors | Rods – Chimney | |
Coal Hods | Rugs – Hearth | |
Coal Starter | Screens | |
Custom Caps | Screws -Black & Stainless | |
Dampers | Shaker Handles | |
Draft Inducers | Speed Controls | |
Ecofan | Snap Switches | |
Fans | Snips | |
Fatwood | Steamers | |
Fire Brick | Stove Boards | |
Fireplace Doors | Stove Scents | |
Fireplace Grates | Stove Screens | |
Fireplace Screens | Stove Paint | |
Fireplace Toolsets | Stove Cleaner | |
Gaskets | Stove Gaskets | |
Gelled Fuel | Tea Kettles | |
Glass | Thermocouples | |
Gloves | Thermostats | |
Grates | Thimbles | |
Handles | Timers | |
Increaser | Tools | |
Kettles | Tongs |
If you don’t see what you need on the above list, just drop us a note describing what you need and we will do our best to find it for you.